Post Secondary Education

Wanafunzi Dream Team banner

The Wanafunzi Dream Team campaign is an annual fundraising drive to secure critical post-secondary education funds for HHFL’s high school graduates in first rate institutions across Nairobi.

“Wanafunzi” means “student” in Swahili. This campaign was conceived in 2013 by a motivated group of 15 HHFL high school graduates who had big dreams of going to College and University to pursue their chosen careers.

Each year, we need YOUR help to raise funds so we can send our Wanafunzi dreamers to great post-secondary schools and help them break through and break away to a brighter future!

Donate Now!

Question & Answer


Hillary Kiendi

hillary1Dream: Aeronautical Engineer

Moses Chege

Mises ChegeDream: Chef

 Peter Maina

Peter MainaDream: Graphic Designer

Samson Makau

Samson MakauDream: Chef

Sharon Akinyi

sharon ADream: Accountant

Carol Najore

Carolyne ChelottDream: Human Resources

Magdaline Nzisa

Magdaline Nzisa

Dream: Nutrition & Dietetics

Albanus Mbuvi

albanus wdt picDream: IT expert

Sharon Jerotich

Sharon JerotichDream: Banker


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