Donate in the United States

Friends of HHF USYou can donate in the United States via our registered 501(c)3 charitable organization Friends of Hanne Howard Fund US. Our Tax ID number is 46-4037249.

We will issue tax receipts to US residents who make donations over $10 retroactive to the date of incorporation (October 7, 2013). 

There are three ways to give in the United States:

Donate online

You may donate in US currency throughout the HHF website.

Donate via cheque

You may send a cheque made payable to “Friends of Hanne Howard Fund US” to:

Isabelle Tadmoury
35 Westfield Drive
East Greenwich, 02818
Rhode Island

Donate via electronic funds transfer 

You may transfer funds electronically to our US account. Please contact Isabelle Tadmoury (itadmoury at or Alexandra Howard (howard.alexandra at directly for the transfer details.


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