After-School Program

The After-School Program is designed to enhance the
primary school children’s academic and social skills.

HHFL’s After-School Program provides the primary school children with a range of supervised after-school activities including computer classes, extra tuition and homework supervision followed by an hour of play time. The program runs Monday to Friday from 4-8pm. The children are provided with dinner and a snack before returning to their respective homes for the night.

Computer Classes

Core to HHFL’s After-School Program are mandatory computer classes. Primary day school students are required to take computer classes in HHFL’s dedicated computer lab. Classes run Monday to Friday from 4-6pm. There is a strong focus on typing, math, reading and writing with the use of donated or downloaded software programs. Teacher Isaiah makes the classes fun and interactive to keep the students engaged while they learn and improve their skills.

The HHFL computer lab, consisting of 18 desktop computers, has high speed connectivity allowing the children to gain glimpses of life outside the slum and learn about the world at large. Kenyan schools do not have access to computers and it is too expensive to gain access to a high speed connection at a cybercafe. This is why HHFL has made computer classes mandatory for all HHFL children.

Extra Tutoring and Homework Supervision 

It does not come as a surprise that most of the primary school children struggle with their reading and writing skills, as well as math and English. This is because the children started their schooling too late or were forced to abandon their studies to care for the family.

To ensure the children do not fall far behind academically, HHFL provides after-school tutoring and homework help in the dining hall, which doubles as a classroom when needed. It is not uncommon to see one of HHFL’s youth leading the sessions.



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