Donation/Sponsorship FAQ’s


Q. Is the HanneHowardFund associated or affiliated with any other organizations that are authorized to raise funds for or carry out its programs in Lenana?

A. No. Apart from Hannehowardfund /Lenana, there are no organizations (religious, community based or otherwise) that are authorized to raise funds in Hanne Howard Fund’s name or who carry out our programs.

Q. Does the HanneHowardFund issue tax receipts?

A. Yes, Howard Howard Fund is a registered charity in Canada. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for income tax purposes on donations of $10 or more. Our charitable registration number is: 85558 1195 RR0001.

Q. When can I expect my tax receipt?

A. You can expect to receive your official tax receipt for all donations made to HHF in early February for the previous year.

Q. I donated several months ago. Why haven’t I received a receipt?

A. As a first step, you should look in your spam folder. If the receipt is not there, please write an e-mail to Alexandra Howard at [email protected]. E-mail and mailing addresses often change throughout the year and our records may not update accordingly.

Q. I can’t find my receipt. Can I have another one?

A. Yes, we can send you an electronic or hard copy of your receipt.

Q. Can you send my receipt to someone else?

A. The Income Tax Act obligates us to send receipts only to the person making the donation. This means that unless we receive signed documentation that a person gave you the money to forward to the HHF, we can only send a receipt to:

  • the person or people whose names are on a pre-printed cheque
  • the person whose name is on the credit card

Q: I’m making the donation in lieu of a gift. Can you send the receipt to that person?

A: The Income Tax Act does not allow this. We must issue the receipt to the person making the donation.

Q. I’m writing the cheque, but I want the receipt to go to my partner.

A. If your cheque is pre-printed with more than one name, we can send the receipt to anyone on the cheque. If your partner’s name is not on the cheque, you should check with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency about sharing your tax credit with your partner when you file your income tax returns.

Q. I tried to make a donation online but I ran into problems. How do I get help or find out what happened to my donation?

A. If you encounter any problems with donating online, please e-mail Alexandra Howard at [email protected].

Q. I want my donation to sponsor a particular child or youth, how do I do this?

A. Please visit our “Sponsor a Child” page on our website for a listing of available children for sponsorship. Select the child you wish to support and complete the transaction online.

Q. Does the Fund sell, rent or trade donor information (eg., mailing and email addresses) to other agencies?

A. Absolutely not and we do not intend to do so.

Q. I’m collecting pens, books, clothing for kids in Africa. How do I send them?

A. Shipping goods to Africa is expensive and difficult: it often costs more than the value of what you’re donating. For these reasons, we recommend that you donate money, and let the Fund do the purchasing of goods locally. These purchases support the local economy, and in particular, the livelihoods of grandmothers and single mothers who make a living by selling goods in the second hand market. However, we welcome your donation of used clothing, school supplies or books provided you undertake its shipping and cost.


Q: How much contact can I have with my sponsor child if I choose to become a sponsor?

A: We encourage building a personal connection with your child throughout the year.  You may send an e-mail to your sponsor child to [email protected] (specify the name of your HHFL child in the subject line). Our project team will receive the e-mail and print it out for your child.  The children will personally respond to your e-mail during their school holiday months – April, December and August. Please note that it is very difficult for them to respond outside of these months. They will be delighted to know that you wrote and will be excited to respond.

Q: Can I send my sponsor child special gifts by mail (ie birthday, Christmas presents etc)?

A: Unfortunately not. Overseas mail often does not reach the slum and therefore, we do not allow this. We prefer written communication as your gift of choice, which excites the children to no end! They love receiving pictures and your stories about daily life. Furthermore, we try and discourage personal ‘gifts’ from donors as it can cause resentments and jealousy between the children in the project.

Q: Will all of my money go toward the well-being of the child I choose to sponsor?

A: 100% of the money that you donate for your sponsor child will be directed to the level of giving that you have chosen. For example, if you are a Foster Parent, the needs of your child will be fully covered with your contribution. If you are a Foster Sister, the educational needs of your child will be fully covered. We are very careful to ensure that your wishes are honoured and executed.

Q: What can I expect in terms of building a relationship with my sponsor child?

A: Your sponsor child will personally be in contact with you via e-mail during school holiday months – April, December and August. You may receive a report card, pictures and/or a letter sharing special personal highlights. You can also schedule a Skype call! It’s always rewarding to see your sponsor child smiling and enjoying life.  And they always enjoy sharing these moments with you. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook as we post wonderful content chronicling daily life at HHFL on a regular basis.  We also encourage in-person visits to our project in Nairobi as this is often the best way to capture the spirit and soul of the organization.

Q: Is there a particular age group or gender that needs more help?

A: All the HHFL children are desperate cases and extremely needy.  There is no one child that is more deserving than the other.  Whatever child you choose from our list of available children to sponsor, you are guaranteed to make a very significant difference in their life.

Q: I am having a hard time choosing a child, can you choose one for me?

A: Absolutely. E-mail us with any special requirements and/or wishes and we would be delighted to designate a sponsor child for you!