Moses Chege

Moses Chege

Key Statistics

Name: Moses Chege
Age: 19
Dream Diploma: Food Production
Dream College: Amboseli College
Duration: 2.5 years
Cost per year: $2,000

"I dream of becoming a professional chef!"

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Rookie Record

Moses, tell us a little bit about yourself!

“I live with my mother and siblings but Mum suffers from arthritis and is often sick. My twin brother, Charles, and I have been with HHFL since the beginning and I count my blessings every day. I’d say I’m a quiet and diligent kind of guy – the complete opposite of my trouble-making twin! On most days, you’ll probably find me geeking out in my drama classes or enjoying my Saturday art classes. When I have free time, I like to teach the other kids all the cool drama and art techniques that I’ve picked up!”

What does going to College or University mean to you?

“If and when I attend college, I will be able to acquire the skills that will allow me to become what I have always dreamed of – a successful chef! These sets of skills will allow me to become an independent person, which something that is very important to me.”

What inspired you to choose your dream career path?

“Growing up, I have always loved being in the kitchen; I would try new recipes and even create a few of my own! This really showcased my creative abilities and I think with my diligent attitude, I will be able to become the famous chef I have always wanted to be! ”

Why do you deserve this opportunity?

“I deserve the opportunity to go to College to pursue my career dreams because I am a very driven and creative person with a huge desire to make a better life for myself. I want to be successful and become a role model for others. I am motivated and will do everything in my power to make the best of a College education.”

If you could walk in someone else’s shoes for one day, who would you choose and why?

“As an aspiring chef, naturally the person whose shoes I would want to walk in for one day is Chef Ali’s because he is such a focused and driven individual. As one of Kenya’s most renowned chefs, I feel like his commitment and passion has played a big role in the success of his career. I hope to one day match, or even surpass, his success in the field.”

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