Letter from Hanne and Ted

Ted and HanneAs Desmond Tutu once said “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

This project started just like that – our ‘little bit of good’. There was no master plan ten years ago – we discovered one child in a Kenyan slum who desperately needed medicine and good nutrition to combat the HIV virus. Little did we know that this chance meeting would become the start of an eight year safari which is changing the lives of 115 vulnerable children and youth— kids who would otherwise have remained impoverished, uneducated, uncared for and perhaps most importantly, unaware of the potential that lies within them.

Over the past ten years we have witnessed first hand how opportunity promotes success, no matter the starting point. We have seen how a child in a slum, when given the right opportunity, will display as much, if not more, potential, commitment and desire as any other more “privileged” child.

We have a very strong game plan that, together with the HHFL team, is yielding impressive results. The HHFL kids get an opportunity to receive a quality, skills- based education because we know their prospects for a promising future are inextricably linked to great education. A strong body and mind require a combination of good nutrition, extra-curricular activities, medical care /supervision as well as hard skills like computers and soft skills like discipline, respect and teamwork. These are all very important elements of the plan.

When you combine these ingredients with goal setting and good old fashioned hard work, the odds point to self-reliance and a better future. This is our ultimate measure of success.

Fortunately, thanks to the help of our growing network of supporters and donors around the world who continue to do their ‘little bit of good’, these kids are well on their way to realizing their goals. We can all take pride in their success, watching them make the most of an opportunity they deserve while maturing into educated, responsible and caring adults.

We wish to thank everyone who is supporting this amazing journey.

Hanne Howard and Ted Horton
HHF Founders

“You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”

– Khalil Gibran