Closing Ceremonies and Christmas Party


This morning, Hanne is off in the slum organizing books and uniforms for the kids. Getting this job done now, before the mad back- to- school rush in January, will save a lot of wear and tear!!

I thought you might enjoy a couple of pics from last Saturday’s closing ceremonies and  Christmas party.

This year the kitchen served about 130 meals–sweet potatoes, veggies, chicken (8 of them) in huge pots, with juice and ice cream. Hanne had the place well organized to seat everyone–the guests were served as well, under the grass umbrella.

After lunch our scouts kicked off the festivities with a flag raising and parade. Very smartly done! The next couple of hours of entertainment included the Rabbits (our tiny tots in pink Ts) performing a play and reciting a verse, our choir, recorders, a play written and performed by our older kids (based on Hanne’s good samaritanship), acrobatics, presentations and recognition to several of our kids and staff . A new and special part of the program this year, thanks to Grant Thomas and his wonderful staff at DOT (Digital Opportunity Trust), recognized our high school students and staff who had just completed a 10 day DOT program designed to teach them life and business skills and ICT. I attended a couple of the daily sessions and can attest that the “lights were going on”.

Undoubtedly there will be more stories to follow on our website. Hope you enjoy the pics! Thank you all for your interest and support. Seeing the results of all of our efforts in real time  on the ground can’t help but make one feel pretty good, particularly at this time of the year.

Hanne and I are planning to take the hostel kids out for lunch on the 24th. The rest of the project is now closed until the 29th.

Before I sign off. I was touched by a story on Saturday. The mother of 1 of our IDP kids came to fetch her daughter and 2 nephews from the hostel for Xmas. Her own mother was killed in the 07/08 post election violence in the Rift valley. This woman has been living in a tent ever since. To see the happiness on the faces of these kids at the prospect of spending Christmas with mum/auntie, even in an IDP camp, reminded me of the importance of family.

Wishing you all the best of the Season from Hanne and I.


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