Naomi Mecha

  Sponsor NAOMI in CDN currency  Sponsor NAOMI in US currency 

What do I get with my sponsorship?

  • A fostering certificate
  • E-mails/pictures from Leonard 2-3 times/year
  • E-mail access to Leonard or Skype call
  • Knowledge that you are changing a life!

Birthdate: July 23, 2005
Grade 6 at Mutuine Educational Centre, Nairobi-Kenya

Both parents try hard to provide for their large family. They are loving and caring parents.  They do casual labour when they can find it. Most slum dwellers depend on similar casual labour, which makes earning a living very difficult for all as jobs are very scarce. The mother is in poor health and should have proper medical attention. Their older children have been sent to the rural area to live with their grandparents, only the two youngest remain at home in the slum.

Naomi is a quiet girl who loves all kinds of games. She is particularly active in outdoor games and interacts well with the other children. She loves number work.  During her first year with us, she was deemed a slow learner.  But since her malnutrition improved, we discovered she is actually a smart girl.  Once her energy level rose and her concentration powers increased, she was able to reach her academic level quite rapidly.

She has become sporty and loves playing badminton and board