Beatrice Mbithe

Sponsor Beatrice in CDN currency   Sponsor Beatrice in US currency 

What do I get with my sponsorship?

  • A fostering certificate
  • E-mails/pictures from Beatrice 2-3 times/year
  • E-mail access to Beatrice or Skype call
  • Knowledge that you are changing a life!

Birthdate: October 10, 2007

Grade 5 at Mutuini Educational Centre

Beatrice was raised by a single mum, she lives with her and his older brother (Bernard). Their mother is illiterate and has no job. Begging has become part of her daily life. Providing properly for her children is impossible for her and they often go hungry. She is a caring and loving mother to them. She came to HHFL in 2012 seeking assistance. On seeing the desperate plight of the kids, we accepted the two of them.

Both kids suffered from extreme malnutrition. Their appearance was gaunt, their growth stunted and their heads abnormally big. They were also worm infested. Both kids were lethargic and had no concentration powers. They often dozed away at their desks. The learning process in that first year was slow.  HHFL concentrated on medical care and proper nutrition coupled with multi-vitamins.

By 2016, we can happily report that both children have flourished, Beatrice in particular. Gone is the lethargic little girl! She has grown a lot, gained weight and her head has become more proportionate to her size.  She is a very energetic and active girl who is the leader of her group. Her language abilities & reading comprehension have improved greatly and she loves music.