Alfred Onyancha

Sponsor Alfred in CDN currency   Sponsor Alfred in US currency 

What do I get with my sponsorship?

  • A fostering certificate
  • E-mails/pictures from Alfred 2-3 times/year
  • E-mail access to Alfred or Skype call
  • Knowledge that you are changing a life!

Birthdate: November 7, 2007

Grade 6 at Mutuini Educational Centre

Both parents are HIV+ and very ill. The mother moved to her families homestead up country in the hopes that the rural environment will give her a better chance at survival.  The father is in the care of his mother and lives with her and Alfred in a shack in Lenana.  He is extremely ill and a great burden to the family.   The grandmother has become the sole provider for this family.  She has a tiny stall in the slum where she sells vegetables and makes a meager income of approximately $30 a month.

When Alfred joined HHFL in 2012, he suffered from extreme malnutrition, worm infestation and signs of rickets.  Medical care coupled with the balanced died offered to him by HHFL has improved his heath greatly.  His academic progress was greatly hindered by his lack of energy in his first year with us, resulting in him having to repeat pre-unit.  By 2013, he has become a very strong, active and energetic boy.  His happy demeanor and ready smile endears him to all.    He seems ready to take on the challenge of attaining his true level and potential.  He is a good participator in all activities and excels at numbers.  He loves computer class, which is compulsory for all HHFL kids.