What Makes HHF Different?


We started as a hands-on effort and we continue to work on the ground with those we help.

Hanne and Ted made a commitment to spend up to six months every year working directly with HHFL and the children and youth in Kenya. This level of consistent direct involvement has allowed us to stay close to the management and distribution of your funds. Hanne and Ted also closely supervise programs and activities to ensure that your money is being well spent and real progress is being made. The integrity of our efforts shows through in our results and our interactions with the community at large.


We connect on a personal level with the children we help – establishing a sense of trust, security and belonging that fuels motivation and accountability.

We all know that when children feel safe, loved and cared for, they grow and flourish. The personal relationships we build with the children we help allows us to stay close to their every day lives giving them a strong sense of trust and grounding. This connection is shared openly with our donors who become part of the extended family and build their own unique personal relationships with the children and project through personal visits, e-mails and/or Skype calls. This personal connection fuels motivation and accountability for the children we help.


We support the children we help through ‘thick and thin’ until they can stand on their own two feet and support themselves sustainably.

In other words, unless they break the rules in a serious way, we will not fail the children we help.  We believe that every vulnerable child is special and deserves a chance in life.  We stay committed to following through on our promise to educate, empower and care for every vulnerable child we help, no matter what the personal challenge or ability. Our direct, ‘on the ground’ involvement and level of trust with the children allows us to stay close to any personal issues so that we can help guide them toward resolving them peacefully – particularly during the tough teenage years! We support those areas that we believe are of utmost importance to preparing the children for self-reliance and ultimately, becoming productive, confident, healthy and responsible members of Kenyan society.


We have a low administration rate ensuring that the highest percentage of your funds go toward the well-being of the children we help.

We are very cost conscious in our every day operations and make sure that your money goes where we say it will go. In addition, Hanne and Ted pay for all their travel and living expenses while in Kenya. We rely on a network of wonderful volunteers who give their time, energy and effort in their home countries and communities, on a consistent basis, to help sustain and grow the HHF effort.