Experience is the BEST education!

Experience is the BEST education!

Sharon graduated from high school in November 2013. She is now on attachment at Naibosho Camp in the Masai Mara. Naibosho is a camp owned and operated by Asilia, a sponsor/supporter of HHFL. Sharon planned to become a banker (like her HHFL brother, Mike Bundi) but maybe the “wilds of Kenya” have another plan for her. Below is Sharon’s most recent update on her internship experience. Enjoy! 

Written by Sharon Jerotich, HHFL Intern

It has been so dry since I came here but now we have started getting heavy rains. Everyone is happy but the animals are the happiest.

I am still having a great time and I  am learning more and more each and everyday. This makes me feel that I can move mountains. For sure I am seeing myself going places.

For the past two weeks I have been helping in the rooms and going for game drives as a spotter in the evenings! Killing two birds with one stone! Have learnt so much such that I don’t know how to express that. I am very delighted Mama Hanne! All thanks to you and all the people that made it possible for me to be here.

Of all the works that I have done I found passion in the guides department. I love the way they got so much knowledge about nature and its surroundings. The way they explain it to the tourists I just love it. They have taught me a lot and I am so grateful.

Last but not least, we were supposed to close the camp today but the visitors are still flowing in. So I will stay here a bit longer than Steve. Our camp is hosting visitors from a camp which was bought by Asilia. I think I will leave in April 20’s that’s when the bookings will start reducing.

I have no problem no complains no anything. I am doing great and learning stuff you can’t imagine!

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