Who are Lucy and Isaiah?

Who are Lucy and Isaiah?

Written by Milagro, HHFL volunteer

This is a very difficult question to answer.  There are so many adjectives that come to my mind when I think of these two idealistic, hard-working and powerful young Kenyans. If there is one thing HHFL has to feel proud of, it is having these two loving and caring individuals guiding and taking care of the HHFL kids. I get goose bumps when I see how they work, how they smile when the kids arrive from school and how they laugh when one of these creative kids makes a silly joke about their day at school.

Lucy and Isaiah are parents; they know each one of the kids in HHFL.  They know their fears and their dreams, their weaknesses and their strengths; they smile and laugh with each of the kids when they see them grow and when they see them moving forward, and they cry with the kids when they suffer, when they feel pain or when they are sad. They give hugs… those hugs that any kid in the world would want to receive from a parent –  those hugs that mean support, that mean ‘I’m here for you no matter what, I love you always, no matter what you do’. They are also creative when it comes to punishments because they punish to teach life lessons.

Lucy and Isaiah are friends; those friends that will be by your side always, no matter what. Kids come to Lucy’s office to share their fears about love, about family, about friendship. Lucy and Isaiah always have an ear that is ready to listen to anyone. They recognize how every kid in the project is doing just by looking at them when they cross the blue gate that divides the street from the project. They can even recognize how they are just by watching how their uniform looks. They are confident and trustful friends for each and every kid in HHFL.

Lucy and Isaiah are teachers. Remember that favorite teacher you had at school? The one you will always respect because she/he is aligned, she/he know’s you exactly who you are and believes in your potential? The one that you feel confident with and each thing she/he says makes you grow? Please remember you’re favorite teacher at school when you where a kid. That’s exactly the kind of teacher Lucy and Isaiah are for the kids at HHFL. The caring, the understanding, the aligned, the confident, the empathetic, the one that really understands you. These are Lucy and Isaiah.

Lucy and Isaiah are hosts of the best home. HHFL means HOME because these two parents create an environment for friendship and fun, a space for respect and empathy, a space for authenticity, where each kid can be whatever they always dreamed of; a learning environment, where creativity is everything. Lucy and Isaiah create a HOME every day.

thumbnail (7)That Lucy and Isaiah are parents, friends, teachers and hosts of the best HOME for each and every kid in HHFL, those are only a few out of a million beautiful adjectives I have to say of the loving, caring, authentic, happy and creative HHFL Management Team. My dream is that every kid in Kenya, and why not, in the world, has someone like Lucy and Isaiah looking after them.

Thank you HHFL for reminding me that growing up in a loving and caring environment is the most important thing for a kid’s healthy development.

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