HHFL college fitness student gives back to inspire healthy living

HHFL college fitness student gives back to inspire healthy living
Written by Simon Kanyeze, HHFL college student in Fitness

Alison Caroline Institute for Beauty, Fitness and Holistic Therapy is my current college where I am taking a Diploma as a fitness instructor. A few weeks ago, I asked them to come to our home, HHFL, to give practical lessons of physical exercise for the HHFL children. They responded positively and on Saturday, my college teacher and some of my classmates arrived to the project to give fitness classes. Lucy, Isaiah and all the children welcomed them openly and they felt at home.

Three stick jump and backcrawlWe divided the kids among eight groups and they changed after every two minutes of exercise. We start with circuit training followed by agility, aerobics, singing and vote of thanks from HHFL’s Daniel, Macklin, Jane, Mohammed and Nashon. I loved it for sure because every kid tried their best. They participated with enthusiasm and did not complain once!

The kids asked them to come back again and again…I would like my young brothers and sisters at the project to know that HHFL is the place to be if you have a dream or you are focused and working hard to achieve your goal. I came to realise that anything is possible in this world, especially when we follow our motto; Discipline, Respect and Team Work. We can conquer the world! Don’t wait to see your brother or your sister fall. Let’s live as one family, work together and our results will tell.

I am doing great at the college. This is truly where I belong. I have finished my Anatomy and Physiology exam and it was good. I am supposed to be clearing to finish this month but I have to continue until mid of November so that I can complete my last course, Physical Exercise for Children and Aqua Water Based Exercise. This course is part of the syllabus in the field of fitness.

I am excited to do this course because it will help me understand how to work with kids and engage them in physical activity. I look forward to using what I learn to make sure all the HHFL kids stay active and fit!

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