Getting Our HHFL Fitness On!

Getting Our HHFL Fitness On!

By: Sharon Faith, Jane and Elsie

Last Thursday was a beautiful day, so much that we can’t even begin to explain. One of our siblings, ‘Teacher Simon’ came visit us in HHFL. Simon is a personal trainer and amazing dancer. When we saw him coming in, we knew he had an exciting plan for us that day because, he is the best at lighting up other people’s moods.
He called the post-secondary kids, and guess what?
He told us to organize ourselves for a dance, trust us when we say that in HHFL we are the best dancers ;).
We danced for about an hour none stop, that day we were physically fit but then, the worst happened: lights went off abruptly!!! It was sad but we enjoyed the dance while it lasted.
The dance was also a training ground for Simon so that he can get the qualification to the job, that is what he is currently doing for now.

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